Every once in a while, we find the need to talk to
someone- anyone that will listen to us when we need
it. I will be updating this page a bit more due to
the nature of it, but I am hoping that it can be a
positive influence, as well as a helpful one. Feel
free to ask me about anything, and I will get back to
you with the best advice and help I have to offer. There is always
something positive to look for in any situation, and as long as we
know that there is someone out there who has been there, it makes
it easier to deal with, and it's not as difficult as long as we
know we are never alone.
Please remember that this is VOLUNTARY, and no one need do this.
Also please remember that while advice is good, it is best recieved
if it is truly wanted. Please do not send e-mails to poke fun, it's
a waste of my time and yours, and it will not be appreciated and will
result in your e-mail address being blocked. This is my personal
e-mail address I use, so please respect it. And I will also be attempting
a new idea, a new Chatroom, where people can get together and talk,
but please show resect and courtesy to others or I will take down the
room, thank you.
If you want a 24/7 room, please use the room below and show respect to anyone there.
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